Monday, November 8, 2010

Philadelphia Art Museum

I went to the PAM with my art history class on Saturday. I really enjoyed it. My favorite thing at the museum was Duchamp's installation. I found it very beautiful. Before I held art that is in museums to such a high standard, and I should. It would make me think that being that awesome at art is unattainable. While walking through the some of the galleries I had an epiphany, when I saw a painting (I don't really remember the name of the painting right now, the artist in on the tip of my tongue and I just cannot remember for the best of me). While looking at this painting of an interior with a woman on a chair, I thought to myself, "One side of the painting was really boring...He should have worked with it a little more." I guess what I'm getting at it there is always room for improvement, and things you make are never perfect and can always be improved. Also, something you may think looks awesome and finished another person could easily have the opposite thought towards it. It's all just matter of opinion.

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