Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Emily Rooney

There are photos pinned to the walls of woman (that remind me of disco) and a quarry. On the ground there is a black mat with various black objects on it: ceramic penny loafers, a squeegee with tar on it, burnt/melted records, fruit... Parallel from the black mat there are 2 sets of cinder-blocks. The first set has what looks like sparklers or incense placed on the top of them; the second set has ash in the same line (as the sparklers/incense) on them. Leaning on a wall there is metal. It is in the shape if a line, a rough heart, 'n','4', and an 'E'. In the other room there is a marble tub with a sheet of paper placed on the left hand side. There is also a black cloth that is hanging on the wall across from the tub. In the furthest section of the gallery space there is a film playing. It is of a woman who is dancing in slow motion. The music it plays sounds as if the speed on the turn table was turned down. You can hear the drowning sounds throughout the entire gallery.

I felt as if every single thing was picked for a specific reason, but I wasn't able to grasp why; it really frustrated me. The pieces all seemed to relate to each other in terms of color and subject. The black objects mirrored the after effects of a fire that was hinted at with the sparklers and ash. The black objects that were chosen even hinted at extreme heats/ fire with the tar and melted vinyl. The tub reflected on to the photo of the quarry, the woman dancing also was shown in the photograph of the woman pinned to the wall.

I feel like the scale of the objects was also very important. The first room seemed to be completely full because of the objects placed in the center of the floor and the metal propped up against the wall. In comparison to the first room the back two rooms was very open and airy.

I just wish I knew why everything was chosen and what the entire picture was conceptually.

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